Seeing Red

The very first wish Piglet rolls about Sangria is to steal candy from the poor child.  As soon as everyone else is out of the room she sets Sangria on the floor and roots around in the baby blanket.  Sure enough there is a lollipop in there somehow!  (Don’t ask me why, I guess sim babies are just born with candy!)

“Why is it crying?”  I don’t know Piglet, I cannot possibly think of a reason it has to cry. . .

She quickly stuffs the noisy thing back in its crib and runs away.  It’s ok though because Blake and Ignacio will give little Sangria all the love she will ever need!

Right before she got arrested and then got pregnant, Piglet was super close to getting a promotion.  It upset her that she had to sit around for four more days doing nothing so she decided to invite her boss over for a chat.  She explained how it would be a waste of her talents to have to work another full day before getting promoted so he might as well just do it now!  He agreed and Piglet is now a thug!

Floyd saw what Piglet had done and thought he would try it out himself.  He was really close to a promotion and had 2 days off.  Turns out his mother is his boss because she owns the theatre!  Unfortunately she wouldn’t even discuss work with him let alone promotions or raises.  Harsh mom!

Ignacio got a call from another family member being haunted.  This time it was aunt Daisy.  Ignacio was shocked with the state of their house trailer!  Daisy, her husband Ty, and her two children Flamingo and Christopher all lived in this tiny trailer.  Not only that but the washing machine, toilet, sink and shower were all broken and there was filthy laundry everywhere!

Feeling very sorry for them Ignacio called Blake to come over and fix their things.

Speaking of Ignacio and his job, it’s going very well for him!  He was out at a house finding ghosts and laying them to rest when one got so offended that she slapped him!  He quickly grabbed his banshee banisher and sucked her up.  That will teach her to slap him!

He even found a ghost hiding out on our own property!  Needless to say, most the family finally believes in ghosts after seeing his collection of spirits he keeps in the basement.

In fact, the whole town seems to have a new respect for Ignacio.  Not being the smartest man most his life this is something he isn’t used to.  The city presented him with this interesting sculpture award thingy and a ghost hunter medal.  Finally recognition!

He also got a new uniform with his last promotion.  Piglet just can’t resist him when he is dressed up in his new uniform and Ignacio uses that to his advantage often!

The time came for Sangria to grow into a toddler.  The poor girl didn’t have much of an audience, everyone was at work and grandpa was out collecting cash from our businesses.

To make up for the fact that he missed her birthday party and because he just loves children, Blake decided to teach Sangria all her basic skills.

He didn’t even mind teaching her to use the potty!  He hoped Piglet would have a few more kids before his time was up.

Several days later Blake got his wish.  Piglet was going to be a mommy again!  Ignacio really hoped for a boy this time, but Piglet didn’t really care one way or another.

Sometimes it bothered Ignacio how little Piglet seemed to care about Sangria or the new little life inside her.  He was getting a little worried that she might not be completely sane either.  He watched silently from the bathroom door while Piglet had a conversation with her hand.

“I don’t understand why I can’t work just because I’m pregnant Piglet, it’s so unfair!”

“I know little Piglet, I don’t get it either!  We could have had five promotions by now, it’s driving me mad!”

Piglet went into labor and luckily this time Ignacio was home to drive her to the hospital.  He took her to the hospital because she asked but is so confused. . . what are they doing here?  Oh Ignacio, you are just too dumb for words.  (but we love you anyway!)

Ignacio thought he would be disappointed if he didn’t have a boy, but he was wrong!  He loved his little girl every bit as much as he would have loved a boy.  He named her Strawberry and she was born eccentric and excitable.

The first day little Strawberry was home Ignacio had the scare of his life.  He thought she was getting kidnapped!  Turns out this is our new maid, just changing the baby’s diaper for us.  Since when do maids take care of your children?

Piglet was frustrated.  She called work to ask if she could come back now that the baby was born and they said she had to wait four more days!  She told her mother about her work frustrations but didn’t really think Ivy was listening.

Grrr. . . she was so angry she could just kick a gnome!  She wanted to be angry at the baby for keeping her away from her job for so long and she stormed into the nursery ready to steal some candy.  One look at baby Strawberry though and Piglet just couldn’t do it.

Both Floyd and Cerise were advancing quickly in their careers.  With only two more levels to go Cerise invited over her boyfriend Claude to celebrate and ask him a very important question.  They started planning the wedding right away, they would have it as soon as she finished her career.

“Oh hey Cerise, do you still live here?”  Ignacio hadn’t seen Cerise in so long he just assumed she moved out.  (She has been in the garden pretty much the whole time she is off work.)

“Everyone ignores me!”  Whined Cerise.  “Nobody would even notice if I fell over dead!”   With that she decided to test the theory and faked passing out.  What a drama queen.

“Uh. . . right.”  Ignacio thought Cerise sure was strange and wandered over to see what Floyd was up to.

“Nobody even notices me dead on the ground over here, I hate my family.” Cerise thought bleakly.

Floyd told Ignacio about the wildest dream he had.  He was having a crazy drunken party with the garden gnomes.  Maybe he should stop drinking so much before bed.

Thinking about it some more he thought that maybe he was almost ready to settle down.  Not quite yet, he still had a few epic parties left in him, but he was definitely thinking about it.  He called Stephanie over to chat and was surprised to learn that she was a doctor.  (For some reason the game would not let him propose no matter what, I think it’s because my house is full.  I’ll have to try again later when someone dies or moves out.)

That’s it for this time, I’ll leave you with a few images that I liked but didn’t really fit anywhere else.  First is Ignacio making silly faces.  This is his favorite way to pass the time if you leave him to do what he wants.

This is what the yard looks like when Ivy gets through breaking boards.  She has made us a ton of money with all the tiberium she finds.  It costs 6,500 simoleons to cut one but after it grows up (it takes a day or two and has to be in a big enough space to grow) they sell for about 40,000 each.  I’ve made most my fortune this way.

Ignacio in his pjs!  Can you tell Piglet picked them out for him?

Thanks for reading!

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